English and Math Prep Expressway
CPCC's EdReady system is designed to strengthen your foundational skills in English and mathematics. Let us help prepare you for a successful start towards achieving your career and college goals!
MAT 003 Transition Math students must enter an Instructor GoalKey to start working on the Tier Study Path. The GoalKey for your course is located in Brightspace.
Why is CPCC asking you to use EdReady?
Congratulations on your choice to utilize Central Piedmont's English and Math Prep Expressway! We welcome you to CPCC and intend for your EdReady experience to:
For more information on CPCC please go to cpcc.edu
As you get started, you may find the following information helpful:
Student Quick Start Guide
How to use EdReady video walkthrough:

Congratulations on your choice to utilize Central Piedmont's English and Math Prep Expressway! We welcome you to CPCC and intend for your EdReady experience to:
- Prepare you for a more successful attempt on the mathematics and English portions of the CPCC placement test (as well as the math portions of the TEAS V, ACT and the SAT tests)
- Provide support for high school students who are enrolled in approved Career and College Ready Graduates (CCRG) courses
- Provide you with a rich learning experience that is based on independent engagement of English and mathematics topics
- Assist you with gaining a realistic understanding of the amount of study time that you will need to regularly commit to spending outside of the classroom
As you get started, you may find the following information helpful: